I hate the sound of my own voice these days. Mostly because I seem to be repeating things which I believe are true (after many years of trial and error) and because I have a terrible Philly accent.
So, rather than repeat myself verbally, I'll write what I have said many times before: My philosophy on content is to first understand where it is most valuable and then allow it to freely go to that place, be it mobile devices, the web, TV, etc. Of course, if it isn’t created with that kind of flexibility in mind, then it becomes difficult to syndicate it anywhere.
In this regard, content must now be “slippery” as opposed to “sticky.” The goal should always be “hyper-syndication” with numerous end-points in mind. When it comes to content, it’s my job to create content that can be easily digested by consumers on any platform they select.
Of course, if the content isn’t unique and compelling, then no one will value it. Therefore, I try to deliver compelling “snack sized” content with very high production value.
That's it. Just wanted to say that (or write it) one more time.
Clear and concise. I get it. Unique content that's compelling in a snack size way with a burst. If you can't deliver the "burst" than you get no "hyper-syndication" so go back to the drawing board. Is there a test market out there before the launch?