I have followed his career from sometime - of course, his successful TV show on the Travel Channel has exposed him to millions of people. It's refreshing that with Tony what you see is what you get. Heart on his sleeve - not afraid to tell it like it is. In part, because he worked his way out of difficult times - including drugs and debt. Here's a paragraph from a recent blog post by him:
Look Back With Embarrassment
August 2, 2010, 9:31 AM | Comments (77) | Permalink
I’m frankly delighted to be out of the country when tonight’s WHERE IT ALL BEGAN special airs. While it’s a very good piece of film making by a very distinguished gentleman named Dmitri Kasterine (who put over a year of his life into it), I dearly wish I were not the subject. I just can’t bear looking back at that black-haired, post-crack-skinny, arrogant twerp. I’ve said elsewhere that I “had” to be arrogant to get through the day but looking at this guy (me) eleven years ago, not fifty dollars to my name, unpaid rent hanging over my head, years of back taxes and credit card debt, no real accomplishments (and plenty of wasted advantages) to my credit….and I thought, already, that I knew everything. Standing there in my restaurant, my first real book newly situated on the best seller list–and I was clueless. I had no idea–no IDEA what kind of tractor trailer was headed down the pike and straight up my ass. I see a guy standing on the precipice…and my instinct is (after slapping him a few times) to yell back at him. Warn him. But what would I tell him? And would I have listened?
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