Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Has Your Ship Passed?

"It's never too late to be who you might have been." -George Elliot

Sometimes in life, and especially in business, it seems that we missed our boat. It feels like we might be living someone else's life all of a sudden - that we got off track somewhere but not really sure where it went wrong. Did we follow the wrong shiny objects? Was it the get rich quick ideas? Did you take the wrong job? Did you hire the wrong people? Or, maybe it was all of the above.

Well, fuck it! (yes, I just wrote that dirty word). Seriously. Do not look back now. It really won't matter anyway. Imagine instead that you were born today - this morning. Now what are you going to do with your life? No joke. Walk away from what you hate and get back to LIVING. Time won't be kind to you if you are not kind to it. Go - live - a - new - life.

Be not afraid.


  1. Thats a good one. I just threw my iphone out the window and am going back to using a fax machine. Is business really better today than yesterday? How much time do we spend creating vs responding.
    When was the last time you turned all the intrusions into your life off and sat and really created, though, dreamed. Maybe thats where America Business should start again...

  2. yep: Most of what we think is a priority in our lives is not. The world is not going to stop turning if you don't reply to that email right now. Try taking some more time next week. Get up and walk away from the computer. No phone. No pad of paper. Just you. Walk around the block. Then sit back down at your desk. What happens next?
